Landstar Trucking

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Being an Owner-Operator in a Digital World

Technology has completely changed how industries operate daily, including professional driving, over the past few years. Truck drivers, especially owner-operators, benefit from the developments of technology. Thanks to truck driver apps and other alternatives, owner-operators now have access to digital tools and capabilities to make their time on the road more convenient and enjoyable.

Owner-Operators vs. Company Drivers

Understanding the differences between company drivers and owner-operators is important before getting into how driver technology has transformed the trucking industry.

A commercial transportation carrier employs company drivers. Using an authorized semi-truck and trailer safely, the driver must keep their Class A commercial driver’s license (CDL) credentials. The business, however, oversees every other logistics management aspect. The company organizes the driver’s deliveries and pick-ups, manages vehicle maintenance, pays for insurance, buys fuel, and obtains required licenses. Some drivers find working for a company appealing because it manages the complex parts of running a trucking business.

On the other hand, owner-operators enjoy a great deal more independence and adaptability than company drivers. As you would expect, owner-operators own or rent their own truck and trailer. As owner-operators, they oversee scheduling freight, maintaining their truck, obtaining insurance, and performing other duties while making deliveries. Owner-operators can earn more money and have more flexibility over their own schedules while having many more responsibilities than company drivers.

Benefits of Being an Owner-Operator

There are many benefits to being an owner-operator. Owner-operators earn considerably more than other drivers, even considering their higher out-of-pocket expenses. Owner-operators can work as much as they want if they follow federal driving regulations. Owner-operators can eventually expand their fleet to include more trucks. Even though each of these trucks will earn less money than the truck the owner-operator drives personally, they can still greatly boost their net income.

Freedom is one of the most enjoyable things about being an owner-operator. Independent truck drivers can choose who they work with and what freight they haul. Many people value this freedom. An owner-operator can decide only to take on jobs in the region of the country where they want. On the other hand, adventurous owner-operators can choose freight that will transport them across the country.

The work schedules of owner-operators are also their own choice. While they must remain active to increase their income potential, they can also schedule time or vacations based on their personal preferences. This flexibility is a nice change from traditional professions that allow only limited leave.

Helpful Apps for Truck Drivers

Over the past few years, the trucking industry's use of smartphones and tablets has increased dramatically. The increase in industry-specific apps can be related to this rise. In the palm of their hands, drivers can now access the weather, real-time traffic updates, diesel pricing, and information about their business.

These driver apps improve information access, business procedures, and overall quality of life. Below are well-known apps perfect for any driver if you want to work more effectively and enjoy yourself while traveling.

Trucker Path

Many drivers believe that one of the most well-liked apps is Trucker Path. Over 600,000 drivers have downloaded the app and use it for nearly everything trucking-related. Trucker Path offers many options, such as navigation, parking information, fuel costs, weight stations, etc.

Truck Smart

Truck Smart is another all-purpose trucking app that can meet various options. It can be used to submit service requests, book parking, and get up-to-date fuel costs.

Trucker Tools

Another app that greatly simplifies a trucker’s life while on the road is Trucker Tools – “Being the most accurate truck stop guide.” The app provides real-time traffic updates, fuel prices, and step-by-step directions.


GasBuddy offers truck drivers a glance at national fuel prices. The app provides a price map, a trip cost estimator, and charts of gasoline prices. You may also pay for gas using the GasBuddy app, which gives you discounts or cashback each time you fill up.


BigRoad is an electronic logbook for fleets, drivers, and owner-operators. The application estimates the time so drivers may track their service hours. To prevent fines, BigRoad will notify you of any violations or mistakes.


Using the TNTRUCK mobile app, owner-operators can manage drivers and units, access 24/7 certifications and account information, and quickly get rates for trucking insurance.

Weather Channel App

You will have the ability to view weather forecasts for up to two weeks with this weather app. Also, the Weather Channel app will give you alerts and notifications with local weather updates depending on your location.

The Rolling Strong App

The Rolling Strong app targets professional drivers specifically for health and fitness. The app offers fitness and meal recommendations and online training from trainers with a subscription. 


Waze is the most popular community-based traffic and navigation app. Waze offers more than just navigation; it also gives real-time updates from other users within the app, including police presence, accidents, and congestion in traffic. 

FleetSafer Mobile

Using your phone while driving with all these apps could be tempting. Using FleetSafer Mobile, this temptation is removed. This app can automatically respond to messages with "I'm driving" and block any messages you might receive while driving.

You must make use of the features that your mobile devices have nowadays. These apps may improve your life and business with little to no expense. Use these apps to see how much easier your time as an owner-operator is.