Owner-Operator Feeling at Home on the Road

Being an owner-operator sounds great – you get to be your own boss, work when you want, drive the open roads – but not all the time is it glamourous. As an owner-operator over the road driving, you experience time away from your family (if you choose to do so). Even for the most seasoned driver, you may feel bits of loneliness or homesickness while out on the road.

So, how do you cope with missing home and your family? If you are new to the trucking business or battling loneliness while on the road, below are some tips to help you enjoy your time and feel more at home in your truck.

How to Feel at Home on the Road Tips

There are a lot of perks to owning your own trucking business – the money, not having a boss, not being tied down behind a computer, and working for yourself. But, just like any other job, there are some downfalls – one of these is loneliness. Feeling alone is one of the biggest issues for owner-operators. Below are some tips on beating the on-the-road blues.

Stay in Touch with Loved Ones

Before hitting the road – make plans on how you can stay in touch with friends and family. Even if it is a phone call every other day or messaging on social media – just talking to someone can make you feel closer to your loved ones. Another thing you may consider is you may not be the only one feeling lonely, and your loved ones back home are missing you too. So while staying in contact with your loved ones can help you, it will also help them.  

Bring a Pet

When you become an owner-operator, you may look forward to working solo – but that does not mean you don’t need someone to keep you company. Many trucking companies listen to their drivers and allow drivers to bring their pets while out on the road. It is shown that drivers who bring a pet seem to be healthier, happier, and overall, more productive.

However, if you bring a pet on the road, there are some things to consider. You will need to make sure your pet stays hydrated, fed, and entertained while driving. This may mean that you must make more stops for potty breaks and food, nightly walks, and finding parking with pet amenities.

Bring Your Spouse

If bringing a pet is not your cup of tea – consider bringing your spouse along for a ride. Even though you love your job and drive the wide-open roads, being away from your spouse can cause some strain.

Bring Pictures

Carrying pictures of your spouse, children, and other family members can help put you in a better mood. Looking at these pictures can be a great reminder of why you do what you do for a living.

Make Your Cab Feel Like Home

Since you will be spending long hours in your truck, bring along a few things from home to make it feel homier. Some things may include bedding, favorite pillows or blankets, your spouse’s cologne or perfume, pictures, curtains, or posters.

Listen to Your Body

While you may feel good physically, homesickness can make you feel sluggish or even sick over time. Be sure you are drinking plenty of water, eating healthy meals, snacking often, and getting plenty of sleep. Do not skip meals, as this can add to you feeling sluggish. Also, physical activity puts off endorphins that help improve your mood and gets rid of negative feelings. At the same time, it might be hard to exercise while on the road; when you stop for fuel, take a few minutes to walk the parking lot.

Talk to Other Drivers

You are not alone – so why not strike up a conversation with other drivers at truck stops or even over the CB radio for a nightly chat. Work-family can be just as good as your family at home.

While there are some hard challenges of working in the trucking industry as an owner-operator, there are defiantly some benefits. If you are struggling with driving over the road, be sure to reach out to others, and when needed, take a break, and spend some much-needed time with your friends and family.